The sculpture programs at UNM offer an exciting and diverse choice of approaches toward working three-dimensionally.
Options include techniques in woodworking, metal fabrication and casting. Additive and subtractive processes in hard and soft materials as well as innovative approaches to installations and site-specific works are also included in our area.
360° Virtual Tour
Tour the woodworking, metal fabrication, and casting rooms, along with two large workrooms that are included in the sculpture lab area.
Tour the spaces dedicated to graduate students and faculty: wood shop, metal shop, mezzanine, and a third floor MFA Studio.

The Sculpture & Expanded Practice area at UNM is committed to a curriculum that aligns with a 21st-century intersectional Sculpture identity.
Three-dimensional artwork, performance, installation, social practice, and community engagement are vital components of contemporary art practice.
A student in sculpture at UNM will be introduced to a wide range of 4D techniques, digital production, and material methodologies. Our wood, metal, small-scale metal, plaster & mold-making, and digital fabrication labs are integrated into an increasingly collaborative and interdisciplinary model.
Additional Information
Sculpture courses introduce students to various topics ranging from functional sculpture and design to political and public engagement to the purely aesthetic. Here in New Mexico, material studies traditions are uniquely embedded in the praxis of art and life. With our Material Studies courses available at the 300 – 500 levels, students are able to expand and deepen their technical skills and personal trajectory.