Jim Stone

Andrea Polli headshot

Jim Stone

Distinguished Professor

Distinguished Professor, Photography

Jim Stone is an exhibiting artist who uses photography. He studied mechanical engineering and architecture while an undergraduate at MIT, but turned to photography while taking classes there from Minor White and Doc Edgerton. He received an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, under the mentorship of Harry Callahan and Aaron Siskind.

Stone’s photographs have been published in three monographs and exhibited internationally; they are represented in the permanent collections of over 30 major museums and public archives. He has written or co-authored six technical books on photography that are used as textbooks in hundreds of universities and colleges in the US as well as internationally; they have been translated and republished in Italian, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, and Korean. These books have been read by over a million students worldwide in multiple editions since 1976.

Before coming to New Mexico, Stone taught at RISD and Boston College. He has served on the board of directors of the Society for Photographic Education and was the organization’s 2016 Honored Educator, Boston’s Photographic Resource Center, and Center (formerly the Santa Fe Center for Photography).